Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Baked brill with cockles and mussels recipe

A whole brill or turbot makes a great sharing dish, teamed here with shellfish and seashore vegetables

I’m very lucky to live near the sea, so I can nip down to the beach or estuary and gather sea beet, sea purslane, sea aster and samphire when it’s in season, but you can find samphire in the big supermarkets these days. Use what you can get your hands on. Allow 300-350g of fish per person, or more if you wish. You may need to order live cockles in advance from your fishmonger, or you can use clams. I’d serve this with mashed or steamed potatoes, and a salad or buttered root vegetables.
Prep time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
